
DokuWiki 日本語強化

参照URL: http://www.higuchi.com/dokuwiki/dokuwiki:localize

  1. MailのEncodeをISO-2022-jpにする
    • 今回、これを導入しなかった。だって、ja=iso2022-jpって言えないし。だからってiso2022-jpに固定するのもどうよ?
  2. 検索の日本語化
    1. pkgsrcからMecabを入れる
      • /etc/mk.confにMECAB_CHARSET= utf-8 を忘れずに設定すること
    2. inc/indexer.phpに以下の変更を加える
      • $ diff -c ./indexer.php.orig ./indexer.php
        *** ./indexer.php.orig  Sat Feb  7 21:48:34 2009
        --- ./indexer.php       Sat Feb  7 22:02:14 2009
        *** 6,11 ****
        --- 6,15 ----
           * @author     Andreas Gohr <andi@splitbrain.org>
        + /* for Japanese index search with Mecab */
        + define ('PRE_TOKENIZER', '/usr/pkg/bin/mecab -O wakati');
        + /* ------------------------------------ */
          if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die('meh.');
        *** 55,62 ****
        --- 59,70 ----
              $l = strlen($w);
              // If left alone, all chinese "words" will get put into w3.idx
              // So the "length" of a "word" is faked
        + /* for Japanese index search with Mecab */
        + /*
                  $l += ord($w) - 0xE1;  // Lead bytes from 0xE2-0xEF
        + */
        + /* ------------------------------------ */
              return $l;
        *** 220,225 ****
        --- 228,257 ----
              list($page,$body) = $data;
        + /* for Japanese index search with Mecab */
        +     if(function_exists(proc_open) && defined('PRE_TOKENIZER')) {
        +         $dspec = array(
        +             0 => array("pipe", "r"),
        +             1 => array("pipe", "w"),
        +             2 => array("file", "/dev/null", "w")
        +         );
        +         $process = proc_open(PRE_TOKENIZER, $dspec, $pipes);
        +         if(is_resource($process)) {
        +             stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], FALSE);
        +             stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], FALSE);
        +             fwrite($pipes[0], $body . "\n");
        +             fclose($pipes[0]);
        +             $body = '';
        +             while(!feof($pipes[1])) {
        +                 $body .= fgets($pipes[1], 32768);
        +             }
        +             fclose($pipes[1]);
        +             proc_close($process);
        +         }
        +     }
        + /* ------------------------------------ */
              $body   = strtr($body, "\r\n\t", '   ');
              $tokens = explode(' ', $body);
              $tokens = array_count_values($tokens);   // count the frequency of each token
        *** 489,495 ****
        --- 521,532 ----
                      $wild |= 2;
                      $wlen -= 1;
        + /* for Japanese index search with Mecab */
        + /*
                  if ($wlen < IDX_MINWORDLENGTH && $wild == 0 && !is_numeric($xword)) continue;
        + */
        +         if (preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/u', $string) && $wlen < IDX_MINWORDLENGTH && $wild == 0 && !is_numeric($xword)) continue;
        + /* ------------------------------------ */
                      $tokenlength[$wlen][] = $xword;
        *** 628,639 ****
        --- 665,701 ----
          function idx_tokenizer($string,&$stopwords,$wc=false){
              $words = array();
        + /* for Japanese index search with Mecab */
        +     if(function_exists(proc_open) && defined('PRE_TOKENIZER')) {
        +         $dspec = array(
        +             0 => array("pipe", "r"),
        +             1 => array("pipe", "w"),
        +             2 => array("file", "/dev/null", "w")
        +         );
        +         $process = proc_open(PRE_TOKENIZER, $dspec, $pipes);
        +         if(is_resource($process)) {
        +             stream_set_blocking($pipes[0], FALSE);
        +             stream_set_blocking($pipes[1], FALSE);
        +             fwrite($pipes[0], $string . "\n");
        +             fclose($pipes[0]);
        +             $string = '';
        +             while(!feof($pipes[1])) {
        +                 $string .= fgets($pipes[1], 32768);
        +             }
        +             fclose($pipes[1]);
        +             proc_close($process);
        +         }
        +     }
        + /* ------------------------------------ */
              $wc = ($wc) ? '' : $wc = '\*';
              if(preg_match('/[^0-9A-Za-z]/u', $string)){
        + /* for Japanese index search with Mecab */
        + /*
                  // handle asian chars as single words (may fail on older PHP version)
                  $asia = @preg_replace('/('.IDX_ASIAN.')/u',' \1 ',$string);
                  if(!is_null($asia)) $string = $asia; //recover from regexp failure
        + */
                  $arr = explode(' ', utf8_stripspecials($string,' ','\._\-:'.$wc));
                  foreach ($arr as $w) {
